Don’t open other branchs in these cases
Some resturants&café owners start to think about opening new branches for their brand very quickly after witnessing a high season with high profits. However, it may be the worst decision to make if you don’t understand the slaes funnel or the long term plan you once put for your first year of your project. Before thinking about it, you have to ask yourself some obvious questions that may clear up your mind on this matter: can I serve the same quality I serve here? Can I hire the same level of chiefs that offer the same reciepes?
Can I afford the technical issues that may
happen out of blue in both branches? What this new branch can offer me to risk it all? All these previous questions should be answered correctly and obviously as a starting point before planning for a new place. As well as, all answers should be honest and number based to the current situtation. So, you should not open new branches on the following cases:

Your profit is your investment
If your profit is your targeted investment and you try to invest again with it, this would be a risk to lose it all at once. You have to slow down based on your profits plan

Your capacity is not ready
Your willingness to ensure consistent quality across all aspects (servers, supervisors, products, and venue, etc.) will significantly impact your ability to achieve similar success in other outlets.

Your diversity is the key
Discover the exclusive and varied offerings you can provide to your customers at a new branch, ensuring a successful launch even in proximity to your existing location.

Your chief is the master
If customers are drawn to your establishment solely because of the excellence of your head chef or the exceptional food quality attributed to them, it's crucial to recognize the necessity of recruiting a chef of the same caliber.